Blitz (182/640)

From:Jonas Thorell
Date:31 Aug 99 at 07:56:24
Subject:Re: OS3.5 screenshots, etc

On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, amorel wrote:

> C=Yeh, well it's not a screen, that's why... it's exactly the same as opening

> I know its not a screen, but screens like on Amiga are not possible and
> that is lame. Thats what I meant =)

Of course it's possible, just that no one has bothered to write it for
Windows (none that I've heard of anyway). If it's possible on
CyberGraphX (which it is) it's possible in Windows. The Amiga
gfx-cards uses chips found on older PC-cards and CyberGraphX does
it through software.


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